Tag Archive for: activities

10 Benefits of Quiet Time for Toddlers & Children Under 5

Quiet time brings a whole range of benefits to children under five.In today’s post, we look at the importance and benefits of periods of ‘quiet time’ for toddlers and children under five. Toddlers are busy little people, often rushing around, going from one toy or activity to the next. They’re at a stage where they realise the world is an exciting place and often want to experience it all at once. However, when they are so ‘on-the-go’, playing and learning from everything and everyone around them, their brains and body have a lot to take in and process. It can be extremely tiring! So, this is where some much-needed quiet time often comes in, bringing with it a whole range of benefits. Studies also back this up.

10 Benefits of Quiet Time for Little Ones

1. An Opportunity to Relax

Quiet time will give under-fives a break, to allow them to breathe and unwind.With so much going on around them, children’s young senses of sight, hearing, touch and smell are experiencing a full-on assault. Their minds are also being challenged with learning new skills. This can all be very tiring for our youngsters, so a period of quiet time will give them a break, to allow them to breathe and unwind.

2. The Space to Reflect

Quiet time gives children the space to reflect on the day, task or activity that they’ve been a part of. A period of quietness and relaxation will give toddlers time to think about what they have done or encountered. For example, they may reflect on the animals they have seen at the zoo or the feeling of excitement playing on the swings at the park. A little period of reflection may indeed allow their minds to ‘join the dots’ and make conclusions and even learn from what they’ve been doing.

3. Some Time to Re-charge

Slowing down and relaxing for a while will help to re-charge children’s batteries. Perhaps some soothing music can be playing in the background, or relaxing videos of underwater sea life can be played on a screen. These are great opportunities for the children to sit, slow down, be mindful and re-charge quietly.

4. An Opportunity for a Refreshing Nap

Quiet time gives children a chance to re-charge their batteries and even take a nap. Sleep is hugely beneficial to children in their early years.After prolonged activity or concentration on the part of the child, a well-earned nap may well be on the agenda. As well as giving the toddler a chance to re-charge their batteries, sleep is hugely beneficial to children in their early years. For example, after sufficient sleep, children will be refreshed with improved mental and physical energy, responsive memory, better cognitive performance, increased attention spans and so much more. Their growth hormone is also produced when they sleep, so it is incredibly important in their early years. Click the bold link in this paragraph for more details. By the way, an added bonus, of course, is that a sleep session may also the parent/caregiver a chance to relax a bit and enjoy a few minutes of calm!

5. Renewed Energy to Refocus

After a period of quiet relaxation, a solo task like looking at a book should now be easier for children. They have recharged their metaphorical batteries and are now likely to have renewed mental and physical energy to really focus on a new task.

6. Time for Some Creativity

Quiet time provides an opportunity for children to develop their own, natural creativity.Quiet time provides an opportunity for children to develop their own, natural creativity. During quiet time, they have the opportunity to make up a game or activity, without intervention from others. This time is totally unstructured too, so children can be as free as they like to explore and adapt the game or activity. They can create their own little environment and immerse themselves in their own new world. Their imaginations are set free and opportunities to be creative will come naturally.

7. A Boost to Independence

A period of quietness and relaxation will give toddlers time to think about what they have done or will be doing.As we can see above, during quiet time, children can engage in activities that they have chosen for themselves. This can greatly help them to become more independent and self-reliant. That’s a great skill for them to develop as they approach the time to transition to school. There, they will need to rely much more on such skills.

8. Precious ‘Alone Time’

Research has shown that toddlers and children that regularly have a period of ‘alone time’ often have a more positive outlook on life. During this time without distraction they relax and can then be more in control of their feelings, emotions and any anxieties. As they get older they also learn to use this time to become more content with their own company, with space to gather their own thoughts.

Of course, not all toddlers will want to be on their own. For those that don’t naturally take to it, it may help if perhaps you are sitting in the same room as them. Maybe read quietly to yourself or complete a task of your own, but quietly so the little one isn’t distracted by you. This will help them transition to some alone time.

9. Improving Sleep

Incorporating quiet time into a daily routine can help children to establish a healthy sleep schedule. It can also help them to relax and fall asleep more easily at night.

10. Improved Overall Wellbeing

When combined, all these benefits will help children to develop a sense of calm and inner peace. Stresses and anxieties will generally reduce as children’s minds and bodies relax and rest. They’ll feel refreshed and rejuvenated and ready for the rest of their day. Children’s overall mental and emotional wellbeing will benefit in a myriad of ways and it’ll help them to feel great and to accomplish tasks more easily.

How to Start Your Child on Quiet Time

  • Great ‘quiet time’ activities include mindfulness and breathing exercises, observing nature, building and constructing, using play dough and even yoga poses and stretches.When you first introduce quiet time to your child, start slowly and begin with short periods each day. This can be increased as your little one gets used to it.
  • Pre-plan and ensure you have some appropriate ‘quiet time’ toys or equipment already out. In this way, the child can get to them right away and begin interacting with them. This avoids the need for them to rummage through toy boxes or cupboards and keeps things more quiet from the outset.
  • You could try separating a few ‘quiet activity’ toys into separate baskets, so the toddler has a small choice of them all within easy reach. Examples might include a basket of puzzles, reading books or a basket of colouring books and crayons. Over time, remember to rotate the choices, so that your little one doesn’t become bored with the same options each time.
  • Books are a good quiet activity, but also consider audio books. In this scenario, try settling your toddler with their favourite teddy and then they’re all set to listen to a story quietly and comfortably.
  • Soft, relaxing music also makes an ideal backdrop to your toddler playing quietly too. Hand pick the music tracks, though, to ensure a quiet, relaxing mood.
  • Other great ‘quiet time’ activities include mindfulness and breathing exercises, observing nature, building and constructing, using play dough and even, under supervision, yoga poses and stretches.

Quiet time helps the whole family recharge their batteries if only for 20 minutes to begin with. Everyone will benefit, including not only the children but parents and caregivers too — we need a bit of quiet time too!

Streatham Nursery & Pre-School Places

Little Cedars Nursery: a Wonderful Childcare Service in Streatham offering Childcare Places for Children Under 5

Little Cedars is a nursery & pre-school offering high quality childcare in Streatham, near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Common, Tooting Broadway, Furzedown, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.Ofsted rate Little Cedars Day Nursery as a Good Provider of childcare services.Little Cedars is a nursery and pre-school in Streatham, which provides the highest quality childcare service for babies, toddlers and children under five. The nursery is a warm, welcoming home from home for under-fives and represents a great choice if you want your child to have the best start in life. We’re not just a childcare service; we provide a full early years education. Our key goal is to help children to absolutely thrive and achieve their best potential in all areas of the curriculum, in their personal development, and in life generally. The setting is conveniently located for those in Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Streatham Common and Furzedown as well as Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.

Contact us to register your child for a place, ask a question or book a guided tour. We’ll be happy to help!

Cress ‘Egg Heads’ Activity for Under-5s

Making cress egg people is great fun and educational for little children.A nature-based, food-related activity that young children can enjoy indoors at any time of the year is cress growing. Today we outline how it can be made even more fun and creative for kids by growing the cress as little ‘egg heads’. These come complete with comical faces and amusing hairstyles made of green cress shoots! Children will absolutely love it when they end up with little egg faces with spouting hairstyles that each have real character. And, they’ll even be able to eat the results!

It’s an Educational Activity

This activity is suitable, under adult supervision, even for the very young. Toddlers and under-fives will learn along the way too. They’ll learn lessons about nature, how seeds grow into plants and how some plants can be turned into tasty food — all with very little effort. It will also teach children about being responsible for another living thing.

Children will love this activity.Cress is Easy to Grow, & Tasty!

The good news is that cress is one of the easiest micro vegetables to grow. It can be grown more or less anywhere and with little maintenance. Historically cress was used in herbal medicine, but nowadays is used in meals for its distinctive flavour. Probably the most common use of cress is in egg and cress sandwiches. However, it’s also great in salads and makes an excellent garnish. Cress soup and cress pesto is delicious and very flavoursome!

Cress is Incredibly Nutritious!

Cress is also very nutritious. It contains potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K and more. All these vitamins mean that cress has excellent health benefits and this beneficial micro vegetable can be easily fitted into children’s diets. Making it part of a fun activity will make it more likely that children will then eat it. There are no downsides to this excellent children’s activity!

The finished cress will be tasty and extremely nutritious. Great for growing children!Growing Cress for Small Kids and Big Kids

Cress seeds can be bought inexpensively in most garden centres and often in supermarkets. Generally, they are very cheap to buy too. You do not need to use the whole packet in one go either, so children can use only as much as they need for the activity and keep the rest in the packet for another time.

Children can grow the cress in any container they like. For this activity today, we chose to grow our cress in empty egg shell cases to create little ‘cress people’.

How to Grow Cress ‘Egg Heads’

  1. First, the parent should boil some eggs. Maybe do this when egg is on the menu for that day, so the cooked egg won’t be wasted.
  2. Then, once cooled, the tops of the eggs need to be carefully broken off. Carefully scoop out all the egg, taking care not to cause cracks anywhere, until you are left with an empty shell. Parents may need to help little children with this part.
  3. Egg shells held in place by an egg carton, with seeds sown.Next, find a vessel to prop the egg shells up in. This could simply be an egg cup or even an egg carton, like that shown in the photo. Then, decide what to fill the empty egg shells with. Children can choose either damp kitchen roll or damp compost/soil to grow the cress seeds on. Carefully fill the empty egg shells almost to the top with the chosen filler. (We tried both and each grew well. Interestingly, the cress seeds grown on kitchen roll tissue paper grew a little faster and therefore taller than those grown on compost. They therefore looked a bit more ‘wild’ — it was quite a surprise and had an amusing impact on the egg-people’s hairstyles).
  4. The seeds will eventually grow into green cress 'hair', giving the egg people real character!Make sure you or your child add some funny faces on the shells — maybe even give them names. The faces can be drawn simply using a marker pen (Sharpies are ideal) or you can get even more creative using coloured paints. Children may find drawing the faces easier if they are shown some visual reference and perhaps they can practise first on paper. If too young to draw suitable faces, a parent or creative older sibling may be able to help.
  5. Next, your child can sprinkle some seeds onto either the damp kitchen roll or damp earth (whichever has been used to fill the egg shells).
  6. Place onto the windowsill and ensure that your little one gives them a small amount of water each day to stop them drying out.
  7. Once the cress 'hair' is long enough, it can be harvested for use in salads and garnishes.Within a week or so, the little egg heads should begin to sprout green ‘hair’ shoots!
  8. A few days later, you should have some funny faces with lots of sprouting hair, ready to be cut for use in sandwiches, salads, garnishes or soups. And, if you have cut the ‘hair’ rather than pulling it out by the roots, it should re-grow and give you a second head of green hair and thereby an additional crop of tasty cress to eat! We chose to make an egg and cress sandwich but you can choose your own use of the cress.

All in all, it’s a fun, educational, creative and nutritious activity that children will really love! It’s also a great opportunity for parents or adult carers to interact with little ones and to guide them and teach them insights and lessons along the way. Such interaction is priceless for under-fives.

Outstanding Childcare for Your Child at Little Cedars Nursery, Streatham

Give your baby, toddler or preschooler the very best start in life at Little Cedars Nursery, Streatham

Little Cedars is a nursery & pre-school offering high quality childcare in Streatham, near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Common, Tooting Broadway, Furzedown, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.Ofsted rate Little Cedars Day Nursery as a Good ProviderLittle Cedars is an excellent nursery and pre-school in Streatham that provides babies, toddlers and under-5s with outstanding childcare and a first class early years education. The nursery is near Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Streatham Common and Furzedown and also close to Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood. We’d love to show you and your little one around, so why not come for a free guided tour where you’ll be able to ask any questions and see how well your child fits in.  Please select a button below to get in contact, arrange a tour or to apply for a place.

Extensive Outdoor Areas & Facilities at Little Cedars Nursery, Streatham

Just one small area of our extensive outdoor play area.We have a huge outdoor area for children at Little Cedars Nursery, Streatham. Parents express their surprise when they first see it, regularly commenting that it’s much larger than the outdoor areas of other nurseries and pre-schools in the area. Our extensive outdoor play areas are also packed full of fun, educational play equipment and facilities that our under-five children absolutely adore. That includes areas and facilities set up especially for particular age groups.

Outdoor Facilities & Equipment for Babies

Babies can enjoy sensory toys and equipment, soft play, sand play, water play and even a baby slide. They also have their own baby garden, which is lovely and shaded, to keep them out of direct sun.

Outdoor Equipment for Toddlers & Preschoolers

Toddlers and preschoolers can enjoy equipment like climbing frames, multiple slides along with lots and lots of bikes, trikes, cars and scooters. They even have a basketball area, hoops and lots of footballs for budding soccer players.

Outdoor Facilities for Everyone

We have an extensive grassy area where children can enjoy nature.The outdoor ‘mud kitchen’ is a particular hit with children at the nursery. They can enjoy creating in the sand play and water play areas too. These are fun and educational activities — messy play is important as part of a healthy early years education. Construction activities also happen naturally with the varied facilities and equipment on offer outdoors at the nursery.

Children also have access to a lovely, shaded, grassy area in the amazing garden, where they can get closer to nature and all of the benefits it brings to little ones.

Children at the nursery can also play “parents” with the prams that they can wheel around. Or, there are play tunnels, climbing frames and other exploration type activities for the more adventurous.

Animal Enclosure & Vegetable Patch

We have our own chicken and rabbit enclosure at the Streatham nursery.Interaction with animals and pets is important during the early years. Therefore, children also have access to quite a wide variety of well-kept creatures. For example, the nursery children help to raise chicks and, once matured into chickens, they are moved to the lovely enclosure that the nursery has outside. Rabbits (currently Miffy and Bella) also live outside and children love to help look after them, stroke them and so on. We teach children to treat them with respect, as individuals in their own right. Such lessons are invaluable at this young age.

We also have a wonderful vegetable patch outside for children to enjoy and learn from. Teaching children to look after living plants also gives them many valuable lessons and ending up with vegetables that they’ve grown and can eat is a magical experience for them.

[Having animals at Little Cedars Nursery] “enables children to actively learn about nature and gain hands-on experience of caring for living things.” (Ofsted)

All-Weather Outdoor Activities

The nursery's extensive outdoor areas include both open-air and undercover areas.As you can see from some of the photographs, the nursery’s extensive outdoor areas include both open-air and undercover areas. That means children can play and explore whatever the weather. Outdoor play is good for children, teaching them some things that simply can’t be taught indoors, so it’s wonderful that many of the outdoor facilities can be used all-year-round.

Children Learn Through Play

Children learn primarily through play at Little Cedars Nursery. This has been shown to be by far the best way for under-fives to learn and develop physically during their early years. As well as learning through outdoor games, tasks, nature and the open air environment, children will be quietly improving physical skills outdoors, like balance, coordination and motor skills. They’ll also be gaining strength and fitness through exercise, even if they don’t realise they’re exercising when playing outdoors. That’s just one of the many benefits of outdoor play.

Outdoor Play Supports the EYFS Curriculum Too

Miffy our little rabbit.Outdoor play at Little Cedars Nursery also supports the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. Learning through outdoor play teaches children so much and in a natural way. Outdoor play supports such areas as communication & language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development and understanding the world. Many such lessons come naturally as children play with one another and interact together via outdoor activities.

A 360° Early Years Learning Experience

The equipment, resources and zones in the outdoor areas are designed to excite, stimulate and engage the children. Specific playing and learning activities and their exact make-up are also guided by early years practitioners at the nursery, along with each child’s “Key Person”. Staff interacting with a child at the nursery.Such staff will continuously identify the individual interests and needs of each child and ensure that the learning and development activities they access will benefit them in the optimum ways. The idea is to further strengthen existing areas where children are strong, while bolstering children’s skills in areas that may require extra focus.

Older children can move freely from indoors to outdoors, under supervision of course, and thereby benefit from the inside facilities and equipment as well as those outdoors. This gives them a well-rounded playing and learning experience at the setting.

Are You Looking for Good Nurseries/Pre-schools in Streatham?

Little Cedars is officially rated by Ofsted as a Good Nursery and pre-school. We’re in Streatham, near Furzedown, Tooting, Balham, Norbury & Colliers Wood

Little Cedars is a nursery & pre-school offering high quality childcare in Streatham, near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Common, Tooting Broadway, Furzedown, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.Ofsted rate Little Cedars Day Nursery as a Good ProviderLittle Cedars Nursery is officially rated as a good provider of childcare by Ofsted. So, if you’re looking for the best start for your child in the Streatham area, please consider us and — even better — come for a visit. We’d love to show you and your little one around! We are a good nursery and pre-school in Streatham offering high quality childcare services near Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Streatham Common and Furzedown. We’re very near to Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood too, so may be a good solution to your childcare needs if those locations are near you. Click a button below to get started with your application, a nursery tour or simply to ask us a question. We’ll be happy to help.

Bilateral Coordination in Children – What's it All About?

Today we explain what Bilateral Coordination is, why it's important and how it benefits children.Bilateral coordination is an important skill for children to master and is something that parents should look out for as children develop in their early years. Today we look at the topic, explaining what it is, why it’s important and how mastery of the skill benefits little ones.

What is Bilateral Coordination?

Bilateral coordination refers to the developmental skill of accomplishing one or more activities, using both sides of the body at the same time. Examples might include using one hand to hold paper still and the other to draw, or coordinating each foot in a different way in order to successfully propel oneself on a scooter or bicycle.

“Crossing the Midline”

Crossing the midline refers to a person reaching across their body, from one side to the opposite side, in order to complete a task.You may also hear reference to the phrase crossing the midline and this is also linked to bilateral coordination. It refers to a person reaching across their body, from one side to the opposite side, in order to complete a task. An example would be a child reaching with their right hand, across their body, to pick up a toy that’s to their left. Crossing the midline in such a way is a significant step because it demonstrates that infants have progressed from naturally using the side of their body nearest the object to using a dominant or preferred side. This may be the first indication parents have of whether their child is going to be left- or right-handed.

Why is Bilateral Coordination Important?

As adults, we take bilateral coordination very much for granted, forgetting that we weren’t born with such abilities. Being able to coordinate both sides of the body to accomplish tasks, activities or even just movements is incredibly important. If children don’t learn the skill, they may appear clumsy and Lack of bilateral coordination skills can make even simple things very difficult for children.uncoordinated and will struggle with a variety of physical tasks.

Signs of Possible Difficulty

Parents/carers can watch out for signs of possible difficulty with bilateral coordination in children. Signs could include difficulty tying shoe laces, buttoning up clothes, handwriting, catching a ball, clapping and even knowing when to lift or bend a limb in order to achieve a particular physical movement — when walking up a step, for example. The appearance of clumsiness is another sign.

The 3 Types of Bilateral Coordination

Bilateral coordination falls into three categories:

  1. Creative activities that require precise hand-eye coordination can help.Reciprocal bilateral coordination: this is where both sides of the body form a rhythmic motion but the movements on each side alternate. Examples include walking, swimming and cycling.
  2. Symmetrical bilateral coordination: this is where both sides of the body are performing the same task at the same time. For example, clapping, catching a ball or doing star jumps.
  3. Asymmetrical bilateral coordination: here, both sides of the body are required to perform a task, but the motions on one side do not match those on the other at all. Cutting a piece of paper, for example, involves one hand holding or moving the paper and the other using the scissors. Tying shoe laces also requires each hand to perform a different task. Playing a musical instrument is another example. For instance, violin strings will need to be held down against the fret board by one hand and played with the other using a bow.

In many cases, the child will find themselves using a worker hand on one side of the body and a helper hand on the other. One ultimately becomes the dominant hand in 99% of all children. Thus, they become either left-handed or right-handed. Just 1% of people are properly ambidextrous, i.e. having no dominant hand, although many more will exhibit one or more ambidextrous skills at some stage of their development.

The Motor Skills Needed for Bilateral Coordination

Mastery of bilateral coordination requires children to develop fine, gross and visual motor skills.Mastery of bilateral coordination requires children to develop and fine-tune three types of motor skill:

  • Fine motor skills — the smaller, precise movements needed to accomplish things like building with Lego blocks, doing up buttons etc;
  • Gross motor skills e.g. walking, crawling, skipping, jumping, riding a bike or peddling a scooter;
  • Visual motor skills e.g. using skilled hand-eye coordination for writing, drawing, tracing and using scissors to make accurate cuts.

Activities That Help Improve Bilateral Coordination

When age appropriate for safety purposes, practising activities like those above and listed below can help children to improve bilateral coordination and body awareness:

  • Ball games are just one of the activities that can help children practise bilateral coordination skills.Threading beads on a string, or string through holes punched though paper or card;
  • Playing catch with a ball;
  • Ball games that use hands and/or feet;
  • Playing with musical instruments e.g. banging drums, playing a keyboard etc.;
  • Carefully cutting or tearing paper along a specific path;
  • Popping bubbles using both hands;
  • Bilateral coordination falls into three categories: reciprocal, symmetrical and asymmetrical.Play-doh — squeezing and rolling it, including use of tools to shape it;
  • Playing physical movement games like ‘Simon Says’;
  • Playing with equipment in playgrounds, for example climbing up a ramp or climbing frame etc;
  • Helping with household duties like carrying shopping, filling or emptying bags, loading and unloading washing;
  • Swimming and other sports activities;
  • Role play as animals e.g. walking on all fours, walking sideways, jumping etc.;
  • Playing the commercial game ‘Twister’, which is also brilliant fun.

Playing with blocks or lego helps infants develop bilateral coordination skills.These are just a few examples. Any age-appropriate game or activity is likely to help improve bilateral coordination so long as it requires precise, measured movements and coordination of both sides of the body. It’s a case of the child practising over time, often through play, until a particular physical outcome has been mastered. Progress is particularly easy to see in babies and infants as they gradually become more physically able, dextrous, strong and coordinated.

Any Concerns?

We should mention that some children take longer than others to achieve mastery of bilateral coordination and this is quite normal — every child is different. That said, a few children are affected by conditions such as Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (‘DCD’) and Dyspraxia, which adversely affect coordination. However, a positive diagnosis of such conditions is only really possible once a child reaches the age of 4 or 5. Our Guide to DCD and Dyspraxia in Children explains more. If you have any concerns about your child, please ask your GP or health visitor for a professional opinion.

Nursery Places at Little Cedars Nursery & Pre-school, Streatham

Little Cedars Nursery is in Streatham, close to Furzedown, Tooting, Balham, Norbury & Colliers Wood

Little Cedars is a nursery & pre-school offering high quality childcare in Streatham, near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Common, Tooting Broadway, Furzedown, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.Ofsted rate Little Cedars Day Nursery as a Good ProviderLittle Cedars is a wonderful nursery and pre-school in Streatham. It offers an outstandingly good childcare service near Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Streatham Common and Furzedown. We’re also conveniently located if you live or work near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury or Colliers Wood. Click a button below to apply for a nursery place, arrange a free tour of the nursery or to contact us with any queries — we’re here to help!

Nature & Its Incredible Importance to Children

Nature is incredibly beneficial to children.It’s amazing how much nature benefits children, particularly in their early years when they’re finding out about the world around them — and also learning about themselves. There have been many studies into the importance of nature, to youngsters in particular, and the studies all reach a similar conclusion — nature is incredibly important and beneficial to children. Today we’ll explore the topic and learn why children should regularly access the natural world.

Multiple studies show that nature is incredibly important and beneficial to children.

Nature’s Benefits for Children, Particularly in their Early Years

So, let’s take a look at some of the many benefits of nature to children, especially in their early years.

Time spent in nature, even for just a short time, has been shown to restore children’s cognitive abilities, improve attention spans and boost mental resilience. Studies even showed this to be the case when just a view of nature was available from the classroom. For this reason, experts have suggested that education settings will benefit children more if they are made into more ‘green’ environments in terms of there being flowers, grass and trees nearby.

Another study showed that test results from children were improved after they’d spent time in a woodland environment. Improvements were seen in both accuracy and speed of answers. That’s an amazing result, when you think about it!

Stress is reduced through exposure to a natural environment.Stress is also reduced on both a mental and physiological level through exposure to a natural environment. In studies, stress hormone and blood pressure levels both improved after exposure to nature, helping children both physically and emotionally. Nature seems to be a great way to recharge children’s batteries and lower stress and anxiety, as well as improving attention, engagement and academic performance. That includes improvements in important skills like reading, writing and mathematics.

In a further study from the U.S. in 2019, children growing up around more natural surroundings were — incredibly — found to have improved earnings potential. They even put a figure on it, being almost $30k more in earnings over the course of their lifetimes, simply because they grew up closer to nature.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg, though. The list of additional benefits to children, associated with being around nature, includes:

  • Improvements in general fitness, motor skills (both fine and gross) and coordination. Children are usually extremely active and engaged when out in nature and such exercise is very good for them.
  • A better quality of sleep after spending time out in nature.
  • Children discover new skills like leadership, problem-solving, teamwork and even risk-assessment.Improved social skills and even wider circles of friends due to the opportunities offered through outdoor play and adventure.
  • Playing out in and around nature will often also help children discover new skills like leadership, problem-solving, teamwork and even risk-assessment.
  • Creativity also gets a massive boost from nature as children experience different activities, objects, materials and opportunities to allow let their imaginations run riot.
  • Nature is also a feast for the senses, so sensory opportunities are enormous in such environments. These can teach children so much, but should obviously only be undertaken under close adult supervision.
  • Children’s feelings of empathy are also often enhanced through contact with nature. With all of the flora and fauna around, children will soon learn to care more about the wellbeing of other living things.
  • Nature can also encourage children to think on a much deeper level then their usual play allows. For example, they may start to think about about creation, life, their place in the world, their impact on the planet and ultimately about what’s really important.
  • Children who spend time in nature often live greener lifestyles.The new skills, knowledge and freedom that nature gives children also helps them to become more self-confident and independent individuals.
  • Children who spend time around nature also often go on to have greener lifestyles, to protect the planet that they’ve come to appreciate.
  • Many also go on to have lifelong appreciations for the Great Outdoors, its incredible array of environments, plants, trees, insects and animals.

Nature is a great gift and children should be given every opportunity to explore it, learn from it and enjoy everything it has to offer, both spiritually and physically.

Nature for Children in Streatham & Tooting

Little Cedars Nursery has some wonderful facilities for the children. These include an area where they can grow vegetables and also a small animal enclosure, each representing a great way to introduce children to nature on a smaller scale.

We’re also fortunate to be located just a stone’s throw away from large open spaces including Streatham Common, Tooting Common and Tooting Bec Common.

Even in built-up cities like London, immersion in nature is possible e.g. through parks & commons.Even in built-up cities like London, immersion in nature is possible via gardens, parks, commons or, if you’re lucky to have them near you, nature reserves and nature gardens. There are many of these dotted around London, including several not far from our Streatham nursery. So, whether they visit with parents, carers or as part of an outing organised by Little Cedars Nursery, children can benefit from everything that nature has to offer, virtually on their doorstep. With everything it has to offer them, nature is thoroughly recommended for children (and adults) of all ages.

Looking for Good Nurseries or Pre-schools in Streatham?

Little Cedars is a wonderful nursery & pre-school in Streatham, offering high quality childcare services near Furzedown, Tooting, Balham, Norbury & Colliers Wood

Little Cedars is a nursery & pre-school offering high quality childcare in Streatham, near Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Common, Tooting Broadway, Furzedown, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood.Nature has so much to teach children.If you’re searching for the best nurseries or pre-schools in Streatham, do take a look at Little Cedars Nursery. We’d love to show you and your child around and offer a high quality childcare service for babies and children aged up to five. The nursery is very near Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Streatham Common and Furzedown. It is also close to Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood, so may be convenient if you live or work in any of those locations.

Please choose your preferred contact method below to apply for a nursery place, book a tour or ask any questions — we’ll be very happy to help:

Growing Microgreens: A Fun, Educational Activity for Children

Microgreens are an easy-to-grow crop that can be grown by children and parents any time of year.Back in April last year, we wrote an article about teaching children to grow food like vegetables and herbs at home — and its many benefits. It turned out to be enormously popular, so today we follow up with a guide to growing microgreens, for children. This activity is great fun, very educational and the result is extremely nutritious food!

What Are Microgreens?

Also known as micro leaves, microgreens are an easy-to-grow crop that can be grown by children and parents any time of year. What’s more, they can be grown indoors, without needing much room, and all at negligible cost. Take a look at the photos and you’ll soon get the idea of what type of crop they are; they’re basically the very young sprouting leaves and shoots of things like root vegetables, young herbs and leafy greens. We’ll go into more detail about those shortly.

Why Children Should Grow Microgreens

Once ready, microgreens can be used as salads and garnishes.Microgreens are great fun and extremely easy for children to grow. Once ready, they can be used rather like salads and garnishes. They are very tasty and are extremely nutritious.

Because they’re so compact, they can also be grown in virtually any household. They can be grown indoors too, for example on a windowsill, so families without gardens can also enjoy growing them. What’s more, getting children to grow microgreens may save money for the household.

Growing microgreens will really educate children about nature and the importance of caring for a living thing. It’ll help them learn new skills, teach them to be responsible and also help them learn more about where food comes from.

Growing their own food may also make children more likely to try different foods, particularly natural ones like these that are so good for them. All things considered, this fun, natural, educational activity is a total win-win!

What They Are Grown In

Microgreens can be grown in small spaces like windowsills, indoors.Microgreens are traditionally grown in shallow seed trays, which are inexpensive to buy. However, at home, they can just as easily be grown in flower pots, used yoghurt pots, empty egg cartons, the trays from ready-meals or even cut-down cardboard cores from kitchen rolls. So long as water is allowed to drain from them and they can support at least a shallow depth of compost, these can all be suitable. Plastic cartons will need a few holes punched in the bottom to allow for drainage, so parents might need to organise that in order to avoid their children hurting themselves. Other than that, it’s plain sailing for supervised children to do themselves.

What Else is Needed?

Microgreens are usually grown from seeds and, for those, you have a couple of options. Both are very inexpensive. You can use either:

Suitable seeds include rocket, beetroot, spinach, red cabbage, fennel, broccoli, radish and mustard.Suitable seeds include: rocket, a type of strongly-flavoured lettuce; beetroot, with their lovely red stems and mild, earthy taste; spinach, which also has a mild flavour and is full of goodness; red cabbage, which is also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals; fennel, which will have a distinctive aniseed flavour; broccoli, which will grow into sprouts that have a slightly spicy taste; radish seeds, which also grow into leaves that taste a little fiery; and also mustard seeds (for children who are OK with even more hot, spicy flavours).

The only other things that are needed for children to grow microgreens are water, drip trays and some compost.

  • For the compost, ‘Multi-Purpose Compost’ or ‘Seed & Cuttings Compost’ are both perfect. Peat-free versions of those are even better, as they’re kinder to the environment.
  • You’ll need some seed ‘drip trays’ to place under your trays or pots of microgreens. As the name suggests, these are simply trays to catch the draining water and to protect your windowsill etc. They’re inexpensive to buy but, if you’re on a budget, a saucer or suitably shaped plastic carton of some sort will be fine, so long as it’s watertight underneath and is shallow enough. This is also a great way to recycle plastic and show your child how easy it is to do so.

Setting Up & Sewing the Seeds

Setting up is easy:

  • As soon as shoots appear, remove any covering and ensure the compost is kept moist.First, your child should fill the seed trays, flower pots or equivalent, almost to the top, with some compost.
  • Then firm it down a little so it is flat and even.
  • If they want to manually space out the seeds individually, then they can use a fingertip to indent where the seeds will go, then pop a seed into each indent.
  • Otherwise, the fastest and easiest approach is to lightly sprinkle the seeds onto the compost. Be sure to do it lightly (tip: sprinkle from a little bit of a height to make this easier). Your child should avoid allowing the seeds to clump or be spread too densely, otherwise problems can occur once they start to grow.
  • Optionally, the seeds can then be covered with a light sprinkling of more compost, just to keep them in place while still allowing some light to get to them.
  • Water lightly (outside may be best to avoid any mess indoors). Be gentle when watering so the seeds do not simply wash away.
  • Place the pots or trays of seeds back on the windowsill or similar. Wherever they are placed, it needs to be in full daylight during the day and also ventilated.
  • Optionally, they can be temporarily covered with a piece of kitchen towel or cling film, but this is only while the seeds germinate.
  • Your child should check daily to ensure that the compost stays moist. If needed, water gently from above or, if seed trays are shallow, put some water into the drip trays so the compost draws it up.
  • Snipping them at their bases instead of pulling them up may allow them to regrow, so they can be harvested more than once.As as shoots begin to appear (usually after just a few days), remove any covering if used and continue to ensure that the compost is always kept moist, but not over-watered.

Harvesting your Microgreens

In just one to two weeks, you should have a nice ‘blanket’ of shoots and baby leaves growing beautifully. The idea with microgreens is to harvest them while they have baby leaves, before mature leaves start to form. So, they should be harvested while still very young. Snipping them at their bases instead of pulling them up may allow them to regrow, so they can be harvested more than once.

Microgreen Meals

Full of vitamins and minerals, microgreens can be used in a huge number of different meals.Once harvested, they should be rinsed to get rid of any stray compost. They are delicious to eat and, depending on the seeds grown, have a huge variety of tastes and colours. Children and parents alike can benefit from the nutritious and tasty shoots as part of a variety of meal types. Full of vitamins and minerals, they can be used in salads, as pizza toppings, garnishes, toppings for risottos, soups and pastas, as fillings in sandwiches, sprinkled on top of baked potatoes or into burgers and much more. They’re very adaptable and, with their distinctive tastes and textures, will make any meal really special.

Childcare Excellence in Streatham, SW16

Little Cedars Nursery is in Streatham, near Tooting, Furzedown & BalhamChildren will love growing these little edible plants and harvesting them for food. They will learn so much along the way, building to a great sense of achievement in what is a great home learning activity. Learning at home is just as essential as all the learning that takes place at nurseries like Little Cedars Nursery in Streatham. Children will learn best when it’s a true partnership between nurseries/pre-schools and parents, so we encourage regular feedback and cooperation.

If you are looking for outstanding nurseries in Streatham for your baby or under-five child, please get in touch with Little Cedars Nursery. Our nursery is also near Streatham Common, Streatham Hill, Streatham Park, Furzedown, Tooting, Tooting Bec, Tooting Broadway, Tooting Common, Balham, Norbury and Colliers Wood, so get in touch if you’d like to discuss or register a place for your child. We’d love to show you around …

The Importance of Exercise for Under-Fives

It’s accepted that regular exercise and keeping active are important to human health. This also applies to children under five — in fact it’s incredibly important during this crucial time in their development. In this article, we’ll take a look at the many benefits of exercise for the very young — and how much physical activity is recommended for toddlers and children in their early years.

Here we look at recommended exercise times for early yearsWhat are the Recommendations for Early Years Exercise?

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) recommends1 that children under five should engage in at least 3 hours of physical activity each day, spread out over the course of the day. They go on to say:

“Children under the age of 5 should avoid being inactive for long periods. Watching TV for hours or being strapped into a buggy for too long isn’t good for their health and development.” (NHS)

This should come as no surprise, of course, but it’s important to take on board; official guidance is likely to be based upon decades of historical health data.

Meanwhile, as cited in Downing Street’s 2017 ‘Action Plan’ to fight childhood obesity, the UK’s chief medical officers also recommended 180 minutes (3 hours) of physical activity for children under five. (CMO UK Physical Activity Guidelines). Once again the suggestion is that this should be spread out through the day.

There are many benefits of active play for young childrenWhat are the Benefits of Early Years Exercise?

Exercise and physical activity in preschoolers and under-fives has many benefits. These include:

  • Firstly, it’s great fun for children! Indeed, energetic games and activities for young kids should be seen as an essential part of childhood.
  • It helps build up muscle strength and fitness.
  • It helps children to develop stronger bones.
  • Right from birth, physical activity and movement are significant in the creation of nerve connections in the brain
  • It naturally burns off calories that have been consumed by children through food/drink intake. This is particularly important if they have been ingesting superfluous calories or less-than-healthy things like sweets, sugary drinks or fatty junk food (although it’s best to avoid those, of course).
  • Regular exercise, in tandem with healthy eating, thereby helps children to maintain healthy weights and body mass indices. This is important because overweight youngsters are more prone to become overweight adults. It’s therefore an excellent approach to nip any weight problems in the bud, at this early age.
  • Avoiding weight problems through regular physical activity — and healthy, balanced eating — also helps reduce the likelihood of heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure later in life.

Regular exercise, in tandem with healthy eating, helps maintain a healthy weight & body mass index

  • Active play helps to improve social skills, behaviour and confidence in children.
  • Attention levels can also be seen to improve.
  • Regular exercise also helps children’s quality of sleep.
  • Physical activity helps the young to improve coordination and motor/movement skills.
  • It also helps to improve children’s moods and dispositions.

So, all in all, active play, physical activities and exercise are of huge benefit to children’s physical health and mental wellbeing.

Startling Facts

“One in five children are already overweight or obese before they start school” (NHS)

“[Only] one in ten children aged two to four meets the UK chief medical officers’ physical activity guidelines for this age group.” (NHS)

How parents can help children get enough exercise to stay healthy & fitHow Parents can Help

When at home, away from nursery or pre-school, parents can also encourage children to stay physically active so as to maintain their 180 minutes of active play each day. As well as all the usual activities that can be encouraged (football, netball, tag, formal exercise etc.) there are a number of excellent resources available for additional ideas. For example, Change 4 Life have a handy resource of physical activity-based games that young children can play. Even better, they’re inspired by characters from Disney and Pixar, so are going to prove very popular among the young. The character-based games are sure to inspire children to get active and have fun at the same time. Choose a game to see how it works.

“Remember, if you’re concerned about your child’s weight then your GP, practice nurse, school nurse or health visitor can give you help and advice.” (NHS advice)

How Little Cedars Nursery in Streatham helps children get enough physical activityActive Play & Exercise at Little Cedars Day Nursery, Streatham

As one of the key focuses of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework, physical development is at the core of the curriculum at Little Cedars Day Nursery. As such, children of all ages are encouraged to exercise through active play, every single day. Children are encouraged to be physically active via a variety of well thought-out physical activities and challenges, as appropriate for their particular age group. This is all carefully orchestrated and supervised by the staff and ‘Key Person’ allocated to each particular child. A whole myriad of high quality facilities, interactive equipment and toys also help to ensure that every child has a varied range of activities to enjoy. They have immense fun while their brains, minds and bodies develop along the way.

Nursery places for babies, toddlers and children in Streatham

Are you looking for an outstanding nursery in Streatham for your child? Or perhaps you’re nearby and are looking for high quality nurseries in or near to Streatham Hill, Streatham Common, Tooting, Furzedown or Balham? If so, we currently have a few spaces left, so please do get in touch while they’re still available.

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