Little Cedars Day Nursery Terms and Conditions.

Registration and admission operate on a first come first served basis.
A registration fee of £35 is payable on acceptance of the Registration Form.
The registration fee is non-refundable.

Our admission policy can be read in our policies and procedures booklet. Please note that our offer of a place to you is conditional, subject to a review after your first free settle-in week. This is to ensure that the nursery has the ability to provide the facilities for the welfare of your child.

Parents are not supposed to swap their nursery places or days among themselves; such must be done via the nursery management, subject to availability.

The child’s place will be confirmed in writing. The confirmation will include details of the child’s commencement date and the required sessions, settling in times along with nursery’s Terms and Conditions and nursery’s Policies and Procedures.

Little Cedars Day Nursery requires a deposit of half your child’s monthly fees, once a place has been offered.
This is to be paid within 5 working days of the offer otherwise the child’s name will return to the waiting list.
This deposit will be held by the nursery for the duration of the child’s stay at the nursery and will be refunded at the end of the child’s stay provided a full term’s notice is given in writing prior to a child leaving the nursery. Payment of the deposit signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Fees are charged on a calendar monthly basis and are payable on the 1st of the month in advance.

The initial payment of fees will be determined by the child’s commencement date with us and will include all sessions booked from that date, up to, and including the remainderof that particular month.

Depending of the period of daily attendance lunch, tea along with morning and afternoon snacks are included in the fees.
The nursery will provide cow’s/ soya milk for those children of an appropriate age and pureed food to babies. Vegetarian alternatives are provided by the nursery as well as nappies.
Formula milk, bottles, bed sheets, blanket and spare clothes are to be provided by the child’s parents/ carer.

Payment may be made by Standing Order, Chidcare Vouchers, Cheque or Bank Card.
Returned payments from the bank may incur an administration charge equal to any charges the nursery might be charged by the bank.

The nursery reserves the right to review the fees. In the event of there being changes to the fees one calendar month’s written notice shall be given.

A refund will not be given where a child is absent from the nursery due to sickness or holiday.
If fees remain outstanding for more than 5 days:

  • The nursery reserves the right to charge a late payment fee of 5% on any outstanding balance

If fees are not paid for more than 10 days:

  • The nursery reserves the right to refuse to accept the child into the nursery until full payment is received.
  • The nursery may serve 14 days notice in writing to terminate the contract. Upon termination of this contract the child shall cease forthwith to be admitted to the nursery.

Fees are payable all year round until withdrawal from the nursery, including bank holidays and Christmas closure.

Where there is more than one child from the same family attending the nursery a discount of 13% will be applied to the eldest child’s fees.

The session types available are set sessions.
Set sessions are permanently booked recurring sessions or days requiring one full calendar month’s notice in writing should this be necessary to change.

Please note: Minimum attendance is 2 full days per week or 3 half-day sessions per week.

Full day session: 7.45am – 6.15pm
Half-day session: 7.45am – 1pm or 1pm – 6.15pm

Extra sessions:
We are happy to offer extra sessions if they are available.
Please try to give as much notice as possible if you require extra sessions so that we can organise staff and food for your child.
Extra sessions booked but not taken are not refundable or transferable unless agreed by the Nursery Manager due to exceptional circumstances. Any extra sessions are to be paid for on the day of booking.

Our opening hours are usually 7.45 am – 6.15 pm Monday-Friday. For an additional fee these can be extended by arrangement for up to 30 minutes, both morning and evening. Booking 24 hours in advance is required.

The nursery opens 50.5 weeks a year but closes from Christmas Eve Day to New Year. We also close on every bank holiday.

After the child’s initial admission to the nursery either party may terminate this contract by giving one calendar month’s notice in writing. Parent/ carer’s notice must be made to the Nursery Manager.
Fees are payable during that notice period and the nursery undertakes to continue to admit the child.

Please note: The nursery reserves the right to immediately terminate this contract if you, your child or any other family member behave unacceptably towards any member of staff, or other parent of any child.

If the parent/carer delays the starting date for the child, the fees for the place will remain payable from the agreed starting date.

If the parent/carer doesn’t collect their child at the agreed time, the nursery reserves the right to charge that parent/ carer at the rate of £5 for the first 15 minutes then £7.50 for every 15 minutes thereafter.

Please notify a member of staff if your child will be late or will not be attending the nursery for any reason.

The nursery reserves the right to refuse entry to any child who the staff deem to be not well enough to attend the nursery, particularly if a child shows symptoms of a contagious illness or infection. This is for the welfare of that particular child and the welfare of the other children attending the nursery.

In the case of a child becoming ill whilst at the nursery, the parent/ carer or nominated person will be contacted to arrange to take that child home
In the case of an infectious condition the recommended exclusion times apply.

In the event of an emergency nursery staff will call health professionals. A senior member of staff will accompany the child to the hospital until the child’s parent/ carer arrives.

The nursery does not take responsibility for any loss or damage of property on its premises.

All buggies left in the nursery buggy sheds are at the parents’ own risk though the nursery takes extra care and measures to keep the buggies safe during nursery opening hours.
We strongly advise you not to leave your buggy in the sheds overnight.

Clothing/ bedding:
The parent/ carer’s responsibility is to label their children clothing/ bedding.

All nursery’s policies and procedures are available at the nursery and a copy will be sent to every family individually along with a confirmation letter of a child’s nursery place. If you require clarification on any policies/ procedures please speak to the management team. The policies will be reviewed on a yearly basis.

  • Our services are available from Monday to Friday from 7.45am to 6.15pm.
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